Yes, that’s Micky Bells from On Location Puerto Vallarta, Montego Babes and many Voluptuous and XL Girls sets and videos. Here Micky has the body of a SCORE Girl! The SCORE staff was as surprised as her fans were when Micky featured her new look. It was similar to those before-and-after ads and commercials showing women promoting some weight loss plan. Micky said it was a combination of diet and, later on, exercise, that led to her achieving a 28-inch waist and slimming down every other part of her figure while retaining most of her big, natural boobage. That’s one of the amazing things about her body transformation. Micky is now slim and stacked along the body type of a Merilyn Sakova or a Venera. Micky says it took her seven months but she achieved her goal. It’s an amazing feat.
The New Look
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